Your finances

under your control


Your finances
under your control

Expentrac allows you to keep track of your loans and subscriptions your way: without external dependencies and providing just the information that you want. Easy. Simple.

Track whatever you need

Expentrac allows you to easily record and manage all your recurring expenses, from your mortgage payment to subscriptions to services like Netflix. Don’t waste time tracking each expense manually; with Expentrac, everything is just a click away. Efficiently record your loan payments and subscriptions, and maintain complete control of your personal finances

Complex where you need it


Expentrac provides you with the ability to associate each of your expenses with their respective providers. This means you can easily track where you're making payments and where you've made purchases


Expentrac goes beyond individual finance management. With our app, you can effortlessly share your expenses with friends or family members. Whether you're splitting bills, managing joint finances, or simply keeping each other in the loop, our easy-to-use sharing feature allows you to collaborate seamlessly.


Set up email notifications for payments to yourself or anyone else, ensuring you stay ahead of your financial commitments. Whether it's a reminder for your own expenses or to help someone else, our email notification feature keeps you organized and financially prepared

Start tracking today

Expentrac is free to use. You just need an email account.