
🚀 Alpha 0.5.0: Pause your subscriptions

March 4, 2024

Ahoy! First update this year, and its a big one! Now you can pause your subscriptions without the need of deleting them. This allows you to put a service you are no longer using on hold, without affecting your balance during the months you have been using it. Just jump into a subscription detail and you will find the new pause button:

pause button

pause button

This is based on a period system that allows you to have several different periods for the same subscription, each one with start and end date and a different fee. You are given a new change price button that allows you to pause the current period and start a new one at a given date with a different fee. This way you can easily change the price of a subscription, or pause it for a while.

The paused subscription will appear in your subscription dashboard in a new section:

paused subscriptions

paused subscriptions

So you can easily see which subscriptions are paused. You can resume a subscription at any time by clicking the resume button in the subscription detail.

Also, in the subscription detail you can check the periods history of a given subscription:

periods history

periods history

Apart from the sub periods, we have a new profile screen where you can set your user name and occupation. This will be used in the future to show your profile to other users and to configure a lot of stuff like notifications, personal work contracts, and many other features that we are working on.

profile screen

profile screen

Last but not least, we fixed the payplans so they will show the annual subscriptions payments only in the affected months:

yearly payplan

yearly payplan

Hope you enjoy this new update, and as always, feel free to reach out to us with any feedback or suggestions. Have a great day!


Version 0.4.0